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World Refugee Day is an international day dedicated to all refugees around the world. It falls each year on June 20 and celebrates the strength and...

The 28 May is the
global Light Reading Day.
Ombudsman Peter Svetina is the
ambassador of light reading.

An ambassador is a person who people know...

Using its experiences and findings, the Human Rights Ombudsman has taken part in the preparation of the new report by the European Network of National...

On the basis of the United Nations Resolution, 18 December has been declared International Migrants Day. This day is dedicated to raising awareness...

As the National Human Rights Institution in Slovenia (NHRI), which, among other things, carries out supervisory tasks, the Ombudsman produced a report...

Today, 28 May 2021, Mr Peter Svetina received Mr Roland Schilling, Head of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Central Europe...

On the occasion of International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, celebrated on 21 March, Ombudsman Peter Svetina recalls the harmful...