Deputy Ombudsman Dr Jože Ruparčič, the Human Rights Ombudsman representative in charge of the rights of children, addressed the participants of the Child in Motion international scientific and expert conference over the Zoom platform, which took place in Portorož between 2 and 4 October under the wing of the Science and Research Centre Koper. In his address entitled Changing the Game – back to basics with contemporary approaches, he highlighted the influence of physical exercise on a healthy and successful life of children and later adults and its importance for strengthening children’s psychosocial competences.
“When moving, a child gets the feedback that he or she can achieve something through their effort and every confirmation strengthens their self-confidence. Children who are physically active are not socially excluded. Children who receive plenty of positive encouragement also acquire self-esteem. Physical activity also presents an excellent opportunity for adults and children to bond in a completely new way,” he also added.