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Children with special needs in music schools

Otroci in učiteljica sedijo na tleh z inštrumenti

The Ombudsman welcomes the decision of the Ministry of Education and Training to actively focus on systemic changes that will improve the possibilities for the inclusion of children with special needs in music schools.

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The Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia (Ombudsman) has already presented some of the circumstances of the inclusion of children with special needs in music schools in the Ombudsman's Annual Report for 2022. At the same time, he expressed the expectation that when appropriate legislative changes are prepared, the special needs of children will be taken into account both in the procedure for taking entrance exams and in the education process. The Ombudsman also expressed the expectation that an thorough assessment will be carried out and an appropriate solution will be formulated, which would systematically enable inclusion in additional new programmes even for children with special needs, who otherwise are not able to pass the entrance exam, but are able to make good use of the benefits that inclusion in musical activity can bring to an individual.

The Ministry of Education (MVI) has informed the Ombudsman that, with the aim of inclusivity and fair access to music schools, in accordance with the Action Programme for the Disabled 2022–2030, an analysis of the state of inclusiveness of music education in terms of the inclusion of students with special needs has already been carried out in 2022. The study report was in its final phase in October 2023. In accordance with the principle of inclusion, taking into account the specificity of students with special needs and with the organisation and implementation of music lessons in the public network of music schools, four areas of music education were identified in the study, according to which the results were classified: 1. organisation and financing of music education for students with special needs; 2. entrance test of musical talent; 3. implementation and organisation of instrument and music lessons and 4. awareness and sensitisation of music school teachers and principals about music education for students with special needs and education and training in the field of working with students with special needs. Based on the study, the report will present scientifically and professionally based possible starting points and guidelines in the above-mentioned areas of music education, which will be the basis for the preparation and design of the amended plan. The interim findings based on the results of the study generally indicate the necessary systemic changes with an integrated approach. The study will also include the presentation of systems of foreign practices with a focus on identified problems, good solutions and practices from the above-mentioned paragraphs, as well as proposals for systemic changes in the music education system with the aim of including children with special needs. The results of the study will also be followed by further activities of the ministry. 21.4-3/2022
