Varuh človekovih pravic

Initiatives and broader issues


A complainant informed the Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia that there were no call bells in the hospital room. The Ombudsman warned the hospital...

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On the basis of the Paragraph 2 of Article 9 of the Human Rights Ombudsman Act (ZVarCP) [1] the Ombudsperson concluded his investigation of the...

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Due to a mistake made in the personal physician's clinic when submitting a proposal to extend temporary incapacity for work, which was discovered only...

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The Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia (Ombudsman) has been dealing with the issue of rare diseases since 2019. Since then, he has...

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The Ombudsman received several complaints concerning the length of time taken by the Ministry of Health (MZ) to process applications for compensation...

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Na podlagi vprašalnika, ki ga je poslal vsem zdravstvenim domovom, je Varuh ugotovil nesprejemljive razlike v odzivnosti med ambulantami splošne in...

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The complainant informed the Ombudsman about the termination of validity of the referral the day before the specified examination. The Ombudsman found...

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One of the centres for social work turned to the Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia (Ombudsman) with the warning that children and...

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Pobudnik je Varuhu podrobno izrazil nestrinjanje z zdravljenjem svoje matere na Oddelku za nevrološke bolezni v Univerzitetnem kliničnem centru...

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