On the occasion of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, which is marked on 15 June, the Ombudsman Peter Svetina warns that the Ombudsman institution is also perceiving more intolerance towards the elderly. "We need more awareness among older people about their rights, prevention of violence, discrimination, the importance of financial autonomy, and so on. The elderly often do not realize that ageism and discrimination are happening to them. It is therefore essential to raise awareness to identify stereotypes among them, too. We also support the efforts at the United Nations to draw up a Convention on the Rights of Older Persons, but unfortunately, in my view, the talks are moving too slowly. We welcome Slovenia's action in the negotiations to be among the more active supporters of the Convention, but we also stress and expect that this support should be reflected in concrete action in our home country. After all, the Ombudsman also made a number of recommendations concerning the elderly, many of which, unfortunately, are still awaiting implementation," pointed out Ombudsman Svetina.
The Ombudsman will continue to work actively for the well-being of all generations, especially the elderly. "I am convinced that it is the elderly who deserve special attention. Not just because they are not protected by any international convention or our legislation, but because it is our common duty as a civilization," adds Peter Svetina.