Varuh človekovih pravic

“Raising awareness and the programmes for preventing dementia are key to counter the stigma and illness.”

Varuh na posvetu o demenci, ob njem tudi predsednica republike Nataša Pirc Musar

“Slovenia is one of the above-average rapidly ageing societies, which is why I cannot avoid the experts’ conclusions that, unfortunately, the proportion of people suffering from this illness will increase more in the future. On this occasion, I thank all those who actively raise awareness regarding this incurable illness. Each and every one of us can start in our surroundings and together we can take meaningful steps on the path to liberate ourselves from the shackles of stigma and shame. It is only through respecting one another and sincere and well-intentioned intergenerational cooperation that we can tread the path to a tolerant and successful society that listens to and hears,” the Human Rights Ombudsman, Peter Svetina, emphasised at the ASK Conference on Dementia with the title “A Comprehensive Approach to Dementia at the Local Level” that was held on 21 April 2023 in Hotel Habakuk, Maribor.

The Ombudsman is worried about the predictions regarding the spread of dementia and he estimates that, apart from long-lasting habits for as healthy a lifestyle as possible, projects and programmes that aim to, on one hand, preventively raise awareness regarding this incurable illness, as well as offer curative comprehensive, transparent, and high-quality care are extremely important. “Even more so in demographically endangered environments with high ageing index, which is why I am happy that this event is being held, as well as all those that were and have yet to be organised within this programme,” he emphasised.

“We at the Human Rights Ombudsman are also aware of the significance of raising awareness on dementia and we have placed an emphasis on these issues ever since the beginning of the institution in 1995. The employees are available to everyone who find themselves in this or another kind of difficulty, while at the initiative of the “Spominčica” Association more than six years ago, we became the first dementia-friendly point in Slovenia,” the Ombudsman said.

In the efforts to reduce the stigmatisation of this illness, the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) also plays an important role within the institution of the Ombudsman and has already been visiting the places where people with mental health problems have been kept for their own safety, i.e., including the elderly who reside in secure social welfare centre departments due to dementia and, occasionally, other associated problems. Through their visits and, primarily, their recommendations to correct irregularities and improve the state, the NPM makes an effort that adequate living conditions, care, and all necessary possibilities to exercise their rights are ensured for the elderly with dementia. “In this work as well, the Ombudsman has been successfully cooperating with Spominčica for several years now, thus helping that spending the last years of someone’s life in one of the institutions intended for that is decent and humane,” the Ombudsman emphasised.

“People are social beings and together we can also overcome anything that is insuperable at first sight. Let us not lack optimism, tolerance, mutual understanding, dignity, and a positive relationship with our fellow men in all aspects,” the Human Rights Ombudsman, Peter Svetina, also highlighted.
