On 21 June 2022, the Ombudsman Peter Svetina welcomed Peter Pišek, President of the Transport Section of the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia (OZS), Franc Seršen, Vice-Chairman of the Transport Section of the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia (OZS), Milan Slokar, Chairman of the Freight Transport Section of the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia (GZS), and Igor Sep, representative of the Transport Association of the Chamber of Commerce (GZS), to a meeting to discuss the challenges in the transport sector.
They discussed working conditions for truck drivers, which are often inhuman and undignified, with truck drivers not being able to use toilets, showers, etc. for days at a time. "The right to decent work must be guaranteed to everyone, without discrimination, because everyone deserves to work in a healthy and safe working environment and to be paid a fair wage," the Ombudsman stressed.
The representatives of the hauliers also highlighted the staff shortage crisis they have been facing for the last ten years. The shortage is not only of drivers, but also of other workers, especially in labour-intensive industries. When importing foreign workers, companies often encounter bureaucratic obstacles and lengthy procedures for obtaining work permits for foreign nationals, which the Ombudsman's institution has been warning about for a long time, regularly writes about in its annual reports, publicly draws attention to the problem and addresses proposals and recommendations to the competent authorities for changes and improvements to the existing situation.