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The Ombudsman’s submission to the UN Human Rights Committee

The Ombudsman’s Centre for Human Rights  prepared written follow-up information to UN Human Rights Committee regarding recommendations in paragraphs 8 (Racism and xenophobia), 16 (Asylum seekers, migrants and refugees), and 20 (Persons in vulnerable situations in the migration flow) of its Concluding Observations on the third periodic report of Slovenia.[1] Slovenia was requested to provide information regarding the implementation of those recommendations within one year from their adoption.

In its submission the Ombudsman drew attention to the:

  • lack of a national strategy and action plan on the prevention and elimination of discrimination;
  • lack of valid, accurate and representative data on the position of persons or groups of persons with a specific personal ground (protected ground) in different fields of social life;
  • allegations of denial of access to the asylum system;
  • excessive length of asylum procedures;
  • deprivation of freedom of movement of asylum seekers waiting to apply for international protection;
  • »informal returns« to Croatia without procedural safeguards against refoulement;
  • detention of migrant children.

 The Ombudsman’s submission.

All documents relating to Slovenia’s fourth reporting cycle under the International Covenant on Civil and Political rights can be found in the UN Treaty body database.


[1] Adopted by the Committee at its 116th session (7-31 March 2016), UN Doc. CCPR(C/SVN/CO/3 of 21 April 2016
