Varuh ДЌlovekovih pravic




, ustvaril/-a VČP

The Slovenian Human Rights Ombudsman (HRO) has recently received several initiatives in connection with the banners appearing at the traditional Pride...

, ustvaril/-a VČP

The Slovenian Human Rights Ombudsman (HRO) recently took note of several events, the common denominator of which is the occurrence of violence. The...

, ustvaril/-a VČP

The Slovenian Human Rights Ombudsman (HRO) was asked to comment on the participation of children in a public rally against the adoption of the Family...

, ustvaril/-a STA (Slovenian Press Agency)

Lama Shenpen Rinpoche, the head of the Dharmaling Buddhist Congregation in Slovenia, was attacked by two unidentified middle-aged men on Sunday...

, ustvaril/-a VČP

Varuh človekovih pravic RS (Varuh) je v preteklih dneh prejel več pobud v zvezi s transparenti, ki so se pojavili na tradicionalni Paradi ponosa v...

, ustvaril/-a VČP

V reviji Jana je bil dne 7. junija 2011 objavljen članek, ki med drugimi poziva varuhinjo človekovih pravic k ukrepanju v zvezi s primerom izginule...