Varuh ДЌlovekovih pravic



Ombudsman Receives Representatives of Workers Employed by Luka Koper's Contractors

The representatives of the workers employed by the contractors providing their services for the needs of Luka Koper today visited the Slovenian Human Rights Ombudsman (HRO). They stated that their employers who contractually provide workers for Luka Koper's activities do not observe their rights, contracts and regulations, particularly regarding working hours, breaks and rest, and payment for the work performed. They also said that thus far, the labour inspectorate has been inefficient in its supervision and has not improved their situation; therefore, they feel deprived of their rights. This was also the reason for their spontaneous strike.

In view of the HRO's powers, it was agreed that all irregularities will again be reported to the Slovenian Labour Inspectorate. The HRO expects the Labour Inspectorate to thoroughly examine all their statements and to adopt measures necessary to end the infringements, should it prove that the allegations are true. In this context, the HRO takes the view that the Republic of Slovenia, as the majority owner of Luka Koper, and the port's management should not remain ignorant of the situation and the level of respect of fundamental rights of the workers employed by contractors. Therefore, the HRO expects the competent ministries and the port's management to assume a more active role in regulating the rights of these workers.
