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Disturbing Banners at the Pride Parade

The Slovenian Human Rights Ombudsman (HRO) has recently received several initiatives in connection with the banners appearing at the traditional Pride Parade in Ljubljana. The initiators stated that as believers, they had been hurt by the offensive images of Christ showing a raised middle finger. The poster entitled "Raje epruveta kot Cukjati za očeta" (Better a test tube than Cukjati for a father) was, in their opinion, also highly offensive.

Any form of expressing intolerance or hatred based on any personal circumstance is unacceptable. A group promoting tolerance on the basis of one personal circumstance should on no account express intolerance of individuals or groups who identify with any other personal circumstance. Such acts, although within the limits of freedom of expression, reduce the credibility of otherwise justified calls for tolerance. No group may promote its rights by resorting to disrespect for those who advocate different values within the framework provided by the Constitution.
The HRO therefore calls on all social groups and activists to demonstrate tolerance in their public activities.
